

英英辞典 使用問題

① A [9] is a man from a family of high social standing.
② A [9] is a man who is polite and well-educated.
③ You can refer politely to men as [9].

[5] is an uncomfortable feeling that you have when you know that you have done something wrong or embarrassing, or when someone close to you has.

① A [7] is a particular way in which something is usually or repeatedly done.
② A [7] is a design of lines or shapes repeated at regular intervals.

① You use [6] to describe people who are in the same situation as you, or people you feel you have something in common with.
② A [6] is a man or boy.
③ A [6] of a society or academic institution is a member of it.

[9] is a custom or belief that has existed for a long time.

If you [7] something, or if you say it in a [7], you say it very quietly, using only your breath and not your voice.

[7] problems or situations are very bad and cause people to be worried or afraid.

① If you describe someone or something as [10], you like them very much or are impressed by them, because they are extremely or or unusually good.
② Something that is [10] is amazing or very difficult to believe.

Your [6] are the internal pieces of body tissue which connect your bones together, and which you expand and contract when you make a movement.

If you [4] someone, or if you give them a [4], you touch them with your lips to show affection or to greet them.

If you [8] a person or thing to be something, this is your opinion of them.

[8] is a country that has a president or whose system of government is based on the idea that every citizen has equal status.

Your [6] is the part of you that is not physical and that is connected with your deepest thoughts and feelings.

A [8] person gives more of something, especially money, than is usual or expected.

A [10] is a type of job that requires advanced education or training.

A [10] is an aircraft with no wings. It hovers or moves vertically and horizontally by means of large overhead blades which rotate.

If you [4] to do somthing, you have enough courage to do it.

If you [8] someone to do a particular thing, you get them to do it, usually by convincing them that it is a good idea.

If something is [8], there is enough of it or it is good enough for a particular purpose.

A [7] is a situation, event, or someone’s behaviour that shocks a lot of people because they think it is immoral.

① Something that is [5] has nothing on it.
② If you look [5], your face shows no feeling or understanding.
③ If your mind or memory goes [5], you cannot think of anything or remember anything.

[9] is an unreasonable dislike of someone or something, or an unreasonable preference for one group over another.

[5] means done or arranged in a hurry, without planning or preparation.

[10] is a God, or a force which is believed to arrange the things that happen to us.

① If something [7]s a particular action, it makes the action seem necessary or appropriate.
② A [7] is an official document signed by a judge or magistrate, which gives the police special permission to do something such as arrest someone or search their house.

[12] is belief in things that are not real or possible, for example magic.

[9] is an affectionate feeling for things you have experienced in the past.

The knives, forks, and spoons that you eat with are referred to as [7].

① A person’s [7] is everything that happens to them during their life, including what will happen in the future.
② [7] is the force which some people believe controls the things that happen to you.

A [7] is a quiet song which is intended to be sung to babies and young children to help them go to sleep.


解答 (参考としての日本語訳)
1.gentleman (紳士)
2.shame (恥)
3.pattern (パターン)
4.fellow (仲間、フェロー)
5.tradition (伝統)
6.whisper (ささやく)
7.serious (まじめな、深刻な)
8.incredible (途方もない、信じがたい)
9.muscle (筋肉)
10.kiss (キス)
11.consider (みなす)
12.republic (共和国)
13.spirit (魂)
14.generous (気前のよい)
15.profession (専門職)
16.helicopter (ヘリコプター)
17.dare (大胆にも…する)
18.persuade (説得する)
19.adequate (十分な)
20.scandal (スキャンダル)
21.blank (空白、無表情な)
22.prejudice (先入観)
23.hasty (あわただしい)
24.providence (プロビデンス、摂理)
25.warrant (根拠、令状)
26.superstition (迷信)
27.nostalgia (ノスタルジア、郷愁)
28.cutlery (カトラリー)
29.destiny (運命)
30.lullaby (子守唄)

